"Judges face a furious backlash from MPs who have demanded a parliamentary debate over the widespread use of superinjunctions." One Tory MP has described the judiciary as an "ass" for its behaviour in recent months. Growing discontent at the ease with which celebrities have attained injunctions has previously led to members of the House of Commons and the Lords naming those protected by court orders, including the former chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Sir Fred Goodwin. "Frustration in parliament reached new heights on Friday when the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, took the unprecedented step of criticising MPs for "flouting court orders" in the Commons." Judge also urged ways to be found to curtail the "misuse of technology" after the identity of a professional footballer hiding behind an injunction was widely leaked on Twitter. "The footballer has since launched a high court action to force the social media site to reveal the identity of those behind the leaks, but users of the social media site responded by swamping the site with posts, repeatedly naming one player at a rate of up to 16 times a minute." "Former Tory shadow home secretary David Davis said it was "highly likely" there would be a debate in the House of Commons on the issue of superinjunctions, adding that it was "plain as a pike staff" that parliament needed to reassert itself and he hoped it would do so in a month's time after the recess." "Tory MP Douglas Carswell said he was confident the speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, would ensure there was a debate. He said: "I think the problem is that the judiciary is making itself look a bit of an ass. There is something poetic about both the bill of rights and Twitter pointing towards the supremacy of the people." "The speaker totally gets this and I think we can trust him to ensure that there will be a debate."
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