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Track twitter on Royal Wedding route

UPDATE: The end of the Royal Wedding saw what might be the highest concentration of tweeting in one place yet.

Starting from near the Abbey where the wedding will take place. The normal twitter density here is always high with normal twitter density of 95-97. Using our high density setting we will usually get a score of about 80 for this spot.

UPDATE: Morning of the wedding and we are seeing a high density reading of 97 out of 100. Normally high for this area in 80. The high density reading is intended for very dense areas of twitter usage, and a score above 90 indicates some of the highest tweeting for a given location we have ever seen.

After the wedding the couple will move down Whitehall. This is always a very popular place for tweeting because so many tourists and working English go here. We see a high density of 85 but don't be surprised if during the wedding the high density tweeter score reaches 95 at this part. To date the highest we have seen the high density twitter reading go was 100, at the spot where Jobs released the iPad2

This will probably be the most crowded spot as crowds gather to see the couple wave from the Palace. There is a huge set of public spaces where 10,000s of people will be able to gather.

As we have said the highest tweeting event we have seen has been the iPad 2 release site. So far in London the record has been the anti-cut rallies earlier this year. But we anticipate that with people tweeting photos of the couple and sending messages this could be the largest twitter event of all times.

So we are anticipating seeing 100 scores with the High Density meter as the couple wave to the crowds. But, it weather is poor and if the bad economy has people down we could repressed numbers.

Here is an interesting point to keep in mind about twitter analysis. The route of the parade Friday sees a normal score of 95 low density reading and 80 high density reading on a normal Friday. If scores are not higher than this, or even lower, it may indicate that younger more tech savvy "digital natives" have little or no interest in the traditional royal family.

Well the verdict is in on this, and clearly there is a deep and even global effection for the British Royal family.

UPDATE: The evening before the wedding we are seeing unprecedented high tweeting from near the site of the ceremony as thousands spend the night waiting for a view.

UPDATE: Morning of the wedding and we are seeing very high tweeting levels concentrated around the site of the wedding.

An observation we are making, though we are seeing a lot of tweeting from the site of the wedding not all tweeting is created the same. We are seeing what we call shallow tweeting. Most tweeting is just statements by people for a limited or empty audience, they are chatter that produces no shared community.

In Tahrir Square or Lulu Square we saw lower levels of tweeting, but we saw more tweeting by key individuals, more retweeting, and more discussion. In those events of the Arab Uprising we saw a community using twitter to organize and communicate. In the Royal Wedding Twitter is little more than a cheer. People are not retweeting other tweets. People who tweet about the Royal Wedding are not likely to form any kind of last groups or changing their following patterns. And we are seeing a profound lack of interest by the people tweeting about the Royal Wedding from the people doing the tweeting. In protests we see man people who post tweets become very interested in the volumes of tweets, in forming a conscious about the tweeting.

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